Daniel Ball

Just the wrong side of 25

I’m Daniel everyone calls me Danny, 26 and I’ve lived my whole live in Beccles Suffolk. I’m very much a lover of the rural area that surrounds Beccles over going to a city any day. Bit of a workaholic but equally my family and friends are the most important thing to me. I’m also an avid fan of anything fast on wheels. 

Computers and Networking

“Your eyes will go square”

Since a very young age I have loved everything to do with technology but I didn’t have a games console as my dad always used a PC; So that was what I grew up on. I recalled going on there to play games like Robot Wars and as I grew older and the internet adapted I enjoyed teaching myself how to build them myself and became fond of the hardware game of keeping up with the latest tech always trying to out do my dad. I remember clearing being told off and being threatened to get the plug cut off if I didn’t go to sleep. 

Other Hobbies

Powerlifting and Gaming

For the last few years I’ve taken on weightlifting in the form of power lifting. Its become my most predominate hobby outside of work and I think its because there’s a great social community behind it, I enjoy going and lifting heavy stuff makes everything else not matter for a little while.